Monday, August 16, 2021

More defamation :)


Isn't this so fun?? Let's break it down, shall?  So the story here is that I offered some mental health perspective to this person's sister who posted publicly on facebook. Just a news article. This person then jumped down my throat and asked me to fuck off and butt out. Ok, done.

Now her brother does post some pretty divisive stuff about COVID on his FB and I did comment back quite rudely. I will acknowledge that. However, this statement that this is "consistent, relentless, and round the clock" is utter absurdity. I comment here and there on her brother's posts, but that's it.

She is right that generally I do want to get the last word in!

"Different perceptions and perspectives are communicated to her and she continues to argue and fight. She has the inability to recognize..."  blah blah blah. I acknowledge when other ppl are offering insight and commentary ... that's clear from my comments on posts and my private convo with this individual. So this is totally false.

I do not constantly attack this person and made one small conversation with her. Not sure how that can be miscontrued as inserting myself into every single aspect.

The funny thing is that every single person you would ask about me would say that I am one of the most self-analytical people they know and am incredibly aware. So her opinion is absolutely whack and baseless. 

Beaten with the ratchet over and over and over? Like what are you TALKING about?!

Then she says I can gain her respect back if I become self-aware and realize the damage I caused. Umm, so you want me to kiss your ass while you are allowed to say whatever you want about me publicly with zero recanting or apologizing? Uh no.

This person is sooooooooo out of line. This person took the time to craft this huge facebook status in addition to the huge comment in my previous post, and yet said I have too much time on my hands and spend too much time on facebook.

It's sad but also kind of funny. Like what in the world is wrong with this person??

I seriously think they are enduring some kind of incredibly repressed trauma or even jealousy? Their attacks are so wild and revolting. I mean, who takes to their facebook status to publicly lash out at their own cousin in such a vitriolic call for attention?! Utterly wild!!!

Anyway, I just kinda feel like I need to get some of this off my chest because it does bother me that this person is so vehement, destructive, damaging, and a flat out B*TCH. I mean, there is no other word for it. It's deceptive, disgusting, rude, and, to use her own words: out of control. This is WAY over the top. Bringing a goddamn gun to a swordfight.  I honestly just feel so sorry for this person that they carry to much rage and anger and resentment inside of themselves that they are willing to do this.

If you're wondering if I have the same since I made this whole blog post about it, well it's a response to her lambasting ... also, I don't name her. At the end of her little post, she publicly uses my name.

Catharsis, my dears.

Now I'm off to craft another original tune dedicated to this person!! Mwahahahahha....

Dissecting a public slandering (technically libel, I guess...)

Further to my rant yesterday, my insane family member decided that since I had blocked and deleted her she would get on her husband's account to continue harassing me. I sent him a message and blocked and deleted him too. Apparently this nutcase has another FB account, LOL, so she gets on there and continues the tirade!!

Here's her post - let's have some fun commenting on it :)

yes, I told you to Fuck off H******. Are you so dense that you can't back off from any aspect of my family's affairs. 
I commented on ONE post that her sister made. I posted a tiny paragraph about how children often have different experiences in the same household, and then a news article.  My cousin then messaged me privately about this whole thing and at the end of our conversation she told me to "Fuck off". Ok, cool, done. I did. This response of hers is on her brother's post regarding COVID which I commented on, admittedly quite aggressively.
You are acting like a child. Nobody is blowing up your social media accounts because we have more tact and diplomacy. You blocked me because you don't have the ability to self-reflect and realize that you are totally out of control. You are hurting nobody but yourself and your family's reputation.
Acting like a child how? By commenting? Whose social media accounts are being blown up? You and I messaged privately, and I commented on your brother's post. What does it mean to be "totally out of control" exactly? Posting an opinion on social media is totally out of control?

 I would be so embarrassed if I were your parent watching on as you attacked multiple cousins and family members online in a public forum. 
Multiple cousins and family members? Who? Stop exaggerating.

Is it really worth it? 
No, your miserable ass is not worth it, definitely not!!

********** [my dad] was tagged because you seem to really be struggling mentally by attacking your family members relentlessly. (untrue...)
I only wish that I could speak to my father if I was carrying so much hate, angst, and judgement on other family members. --> Victimizing because her father is deceased.
Your attacks on D***** are unjustified and relentless. He has had so much tact and compassion yet you seem to want to be aggressive towards him. For what? Why? Your personal opinions? 
Fair argument. I was rude to D, for which I apologized publicly and privately.

I am aware that you have been attacking other family members on messenger also. (untrue)

Do you need help? Your family can help you with your mental distress. There are local distress centers in your area. If social media is causing you so much anxiety then you simply have the choice to recuse yourself - which you are incapable of doing. Seek help. 
This is called gaslighting and is a well-known tactic by narcissists to call the reality of a person into question and make them seem off-balance.

Or maybe your tagged family member can help you and offer you sound reasoning and advice. If you are going to act like a child, you will be treated as such. 
Please provide an explanation as to how I am acting like a child.

There is no room for you at this table H***** and you need to accept that. Nobody wants your aggression. Nobody here deserves your bullying tactics. You are not being objective. You are not persuading anyone that you are a victim. You need to take responsibility for your own actions and behaviours.
I took responsibility for what I said to D** and apologized. Can you read??

The apology you issued to Dan is not an apology. "I apologize for attacking you personally. To me that's how you come across." - this is not an apology for your actions, words, and behaviours. This is trying to justify your position yet again. Daniel has been so tactful and objective and you still feel the need to grind him down.
I agree that I had a caveat added to my apology that engendered insincerity. Therefore, I edited the apology (while keeping the original to provide accountability) and included that I appear insincere but do want to offer my sincere apology.

You blocked me. You blocked C***. You will no doubt block this account. Likely you will block J*****. Why? Because you open your big mouth, have to endear the consequences, and can't handle them so you make it so that you cannot see or hear that you are wrong. You started this all, and now you can't accept that you made bad choices and have upset much of the family and continue to speak behind their backs.
I blocked you cuz you told me to fuck off. I blocked your husband because you used him to get at me; also he's not my friend so no reason to have him on my list. I didn't block this other account of yours but I sure will delete you cuz there's no reason to keep you on my life. I haven't blocked my uncle yet, but I might if he's an asshole to me. So, what, are your "consequences" that you rake me over the coals and publicly deride me like this is an episode of Game of Throne? I mean, how much time did you spend on all this garbage exactly??
"Upset much of the family"? Like who? So far I'm seeing you and J ... not even D has said he's upset. If people have a problem, they can come to me about it.

I do not believe in speaking about people behind their backs, nor is it good practice or business to speak about them when they are not in the room. So out of transparency, I wrote on my wall about you last night, and I have named you personally, so that all of our family can see. It's an embarrassment to have had to write this. It's likely embarrassing for our family members to have to read this. And it's a tarnish on the S****** family name.
You didn't have to write any of it LMAO. You decided to do it so as to publicly shame me like I am some small child. The only thing you have succeeded in doing is making yourself look like a petty bully. You did not include any specifics. You just made a bunch of defamatory statements without any evidence. What is the point of your post exactly??

So many people are begging you to stop. 
Actually it's just you.

D***** has and you refuse to read between the lines. 
Actually he hasn't.

I have and you refused to read between the lines - so I point blank told you to Fuck off and butt out in a private message. You are not being respectful. You are crossing all sorts of lines. 
An element of truth to this. I could have been more respectful, I will own that.

And many of us commenting and reading along or even receiving private messages about your behaviour (highly doubtful) feel so sorry that you can't give it a rest (you are the one continuing this and clearly being unable to give it a rest...) and leave your family members alone. I've said it - Enough. (Good. Can you STFU now??) You're out of control.
So what do you call your incessant harassment and messaging? Is that not "out of control"?? 

Well that was loads of fun!! I can't respond to this person because they are blocked on facebook, thank god! They are clearly extremely miserable and get off on making others look bad. I feel utterly sorry for them.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Just some ranting

 The nice thing about having a little quiet corner of the internet that no one ever visits is that you can write stuff about the irritating people who cross your path in life!

I'm feeling very unsettled and frustrated today by the gaslighting and vitriolic attack by someone who used to be close to me. They felt a comment I left on facebook was rude and over-the-top. I commented back their own FB status about making things their problem when they aren't. This person was convinced that this was their problem, despite not being tagged in the post or any comments. It was excessive. 

So after their attack, I blocked them. I also apologized to the OP for my overtly intense comment, and deleted that comment. This person then came on their husband's account to post at me YET AGAIN about how I am out-of-control.

I privately messaged her husband that she needs a reality check on what "out of control" looks like, asked her to stop gaslighting me, then blocked him.

Previous to this, I had made a comment on a post by this person's sister. This person messaged me separately and we disagreed about several things in our conversation before they told me to "fuck off and butt out".

This person is a BULLY. They are having their own mental health crisis - it seems to be cropping up in their family due to unresolved and unprocessed childhood trauma. This person seems to suffer from various Cluster B personality traits including Borderline Personality Disorder ... if I had to fit them into a box.

I don't need this person in my life. I don't need their fakeness. I don't need their attacks. I don't need them attempting to control and police my life - online or offline.

I even wrote them a little song this afternoon with all my rantings and ravings. It was fun and cathartic.

As much as I enjoy debating and arguing, and as contrarian as I am, I do not like conflict deep down. I'm an Enneagram 2 - The Helper. I feel most useful when I'm in helping role, and it's in my nature to reach out to those in pain to see if I can assist them. I'm also a therapist and mental health professional so I have training to do this.

That being said, because I like to help, I admit that I can insert myself where it's not necessary. That being said, if you're going to make a lengthy post on facebook about stuff ... to me that's invitation for commentary. If you don't want comments - make that clear, maybe? Then again, I suppose I will take this person's advice from now and on and just "fuck off" unless someone specifically asks me for help.

So I'm a little unsettled about this recent activity. I spent a long time today and yesterday examining my shadows and having some inner dialogues with myself. I can see where I messed up. I don't know if the other person believes they were out of line in any way. Despite my own errors in the situation, I do not agree with their behavior or their public attacks that to me were unwarranted and over the top.

As such, this person is now out of my life! For better or for worse. It is what it is. I just hope it does not have further repercussions on the other people I hold close to me.