Now her brother does post some pretty divisive stuff about COVID on his FB and I did comment back quite rudely. I will acknowledge that. However, this statement that this is "consistent, relentless, and round the clock" is utter absurdity. I comment here and there on her brother's posts, but that's it.
She is right that generally I do want to get the last word in!
"Different perceptions and perspectives are communicated to her and she continues to argue and fight. She has the inability to recognize..." blah blah blah. I acknowledge when other ppl are offering insight and commentary ... that's clear from my comments on posts and my private convo with this individual. So this is totally false.
I do not constantly attack this person and made one small conversation with her. Not sure how that can be miscontrued as inserting myself into every single aspect.
The funny thing is that every single person you would ask about me would say that I am one of the most self-analytical people they know and am incredibly aware. So her opinion is absolutely whack and baseless.
Beaten with the ratchet over and over and over? Like what are you TALKING about?!
Beaten with the ratchet over and over and over? Like what are you TALKING about?!
Then she says I can gain her respect back if I become self-aware and realize the damage I caused. Umm, so you want me to kiss your ass while you are allowed to say whatever you want about me publicly with zero recanting or apologizing? Uh no.
This person is sooooooooo out of line. This person took the time to craft this huge facebook status in addition to the huge comment in my previous post, and yet said I have too much time on my hands and spend too much time on facebook.
It's sad but also kind of funny. Like what in the world is wrong with this person??
I seriously think they are enduring some kind of incredibly repressed trauma or even jealousy? Their attacks are so wild and revolting. I mean, who takes to their facebook status to publicly lash out at their own cousin in such a vitriolic call for attention?! Utterly wild!!!
This person is sooooooooo out of line. This person took the time to craft this huge facebook status in addition to the huge comment in my previous post, and yet said I have too much time on my hands and spend too much time on facebook.
It's sad but also kind of funny. Like what in the world is wrong with this person??
I seriously think they are enduring some kind of incredibly repressed trauma or even jealousy? Their attacks are so wild and revolting. I mean, who takes to their facebook status to publicly lash out at their own cousin in such a vitriolic call for attention?! Utterly wild!!!
Anyway, I just kinda feel like I need to get some of this off my chest because it does bother me that this person is so vehement, destructive, damaging, and a flat out B*TCH. I mean, there is no other word for it. It's deceptive, disgusting, rude, and, to use her own words: out of control. This is WAY over the top. Bringing a goddamn gun to a swordfight. I honestly just feel so sorry for this person that they carry to much rage and anger and resentment inside of themselves that they are willing to do this.
If you're wondering if I have the same since I made this whole blog post about it, well it's a response to her lambasting ... also, I don't name her. At the end of her little post, she publicly uses my name.
Catharsis, my dears.
Now I'm off to craft another original tune dedicated to this person!! Mwahahahahha....
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