Friday, May 7, 2010

Breaking the Trend...

Okay so these last posts have been completely politically-orientated...I think it's about time I wrote something that was about my girly life.

I'm a strong woman. I like to think so, anyway. I've been messed with. I've been hurt. I've been thrown aside like I didn't matter. I've been looked at as though I was a piece of dirt (or worse). And still I believe in love. And still I believe in humanity.

I live in an occupied territory. I see people everyday who are messed with, hurt, thrown aside, treated like dirt and looked upon as less than worthless. And these people still believe in love and humanity.

That's what being a conquerer is about. You come back from a fight. You fall off the horse, and you get back on (although after being nailed in the face by a hockey stick at my street hockey game, I'm a little reluctant to full-on attack an offensive player...but don't worry, I'll get it back).

So even though I'm not actually talking about the Palestinian occupation right now, I'm shouting out to the world that I AM STRONG. I can be beaten down and pop back up (given some time and a little TLC).

Right now I'm nursing a few wounds. There have been a lot of people that have helped me through this latest little (big?) gash to my heart and ego. I thought that I was strong enough to not even allow this latest foray into...well, I'd like to call it a romance but it can hardly be considered such a I'll call it...stupidity haha. So I thought that I was strong enough to allow this latest foray into stupidity to leave me unaffected. Unfortunately for me it left a bigger mark than I had predicted.

(Side-note: Shout out to EP, B-wop, WAZ, DinDin, Roz, MO, EEEE-MAD, Brahmania, and all the other people who played a part in making me realize I am BETTER than this garbage; I am BETTER than what is going on; I AM BETTER THAN THIS. WAZ you are such a killer dude.)

But I'm bouncing back. And you better believe that I'll be strong (and hopefully smarter) than ever.